Flash Friday – Coolmathgames.com
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Follow me on this journey as I walk down the history of CoolMath to find one of the greatest flash sites in our history, Coolmathgames.com. This whole experience was significantly longer than I anticipated so I hope you find it as intriguing and meandering as I did.
Developer: CoolMath
Year: 1997
Genres: Everything Cool, but a lot more Math
Developer: CoolMath
Year: 1997
Genres: Everything Cool, but a lot more Math
If I cannot find links to the games on the developer’s websites, my default will be Kongregate.
Link to Coolmath Games:
Link to Coolmath:
Link to Wayback Machine:
Intro Music: Cat Out of the Bag by Absofacto
Outro Music: Feathers by Absofacto
#CoolMathGames #Flash