Hexa Flow Smiles Walkthrought Levels 1 - 24 Cool Math Games - gameserbs.com

Hexa Flow Smiles Walkthrought Levels 1 – 24 Cool Math Games

Puzzle Walkthrough
Views: 18077
Like: 89
On Hexa Flow Smiles game on the hexagonal field there are a lot of smiling emoticons of different colors. The color of each smiley can be changed to any other color, and the color is changed by all the smiles of the same color that are in contact with each other. It is necessary to do so that there are only one color smiles on the whole field. You need to do this for a certain number of moves. Sometimes you can do it faster. The game is taken from the site Cool Math Games.


  1. This is way, WAY to difficult than it needs to be! XD

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